If you pay by bank transfer 250,45 €
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The Losmandy style dovetail plate 350mm PLUS is designed to let you install your telescopes on mounts with this plate. This dovetail plate is 350mm long and is useful for installing medium dimensions telescopes (such as refractors up to 120mm and Newton up to 250mm in diameter) on mounts with Losmandy plate (as the SkyWatcher AZ-EQ6, or EQ8). Like all the...
If you pay by bank transfer 250,45 €
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The Vixen style dovetail plate 350mm PLUS is designed to let you install telescopes or cameras on mounts with Vixen type clamp or photographic heads with Arca Swiss type clamp. This Vixen style dovetail plate is 350mm long and, not only it comes with central threaded holed and slots, but also threaded holes to connect to other PLUS mechanical components...
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PLAY is the astrophotography software that allows you to record beautiful pictures of the night sky in the simplest way, with the telescope, mount and camera you prefer! Connect all your telescope devices to PLAY and start your exploration of the Universe: check the Planetarium sky chart to find astrophotography targets, visualise your field of view, and...
If you pay by bank transfer 250,45 €
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ALTO-1 is the telescope cover motor we designed to let you use GIOTTO for sizes up to 220mm as remotely controlled motorized cap. Now you can remotely open and close your telescope allowing you to use GIOTTO to record flat calibration frames without having to be at your telescope. ALTO provides a USB-C port to connect to your EAGLE or standard Windows...
If you pay by bank transfer 250,45 €
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EAGLE6 is the most advanced all-in-one computer for telescopes and astrophotography, combining powerful new features to simplify remote control and power management while allowing you to use astronomy devices and Windows softwares of your choice. Housed in the innovative PLUS aluminum body designed for easy telescope installation and cable management,...