How to use SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED for astrophotography
SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED is a great 100mm f/5.5 apochromatic refractor telescope for astrophotography when used with PrimaLuceLab devices like ESATTO focuser, ARCO rotator, GIOTTO flat field generator, ALTO cover motor and EAGLE computer. By installing it on a correctly dimensioned computerised mount, you can create a great telescope for wide-field astrophotography of deep-sky objects like galaxies, nebulas and star clusters! In this article we suggest you what devices you can use together with the SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED telescope.
Suggested devices for SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED in astrophotography:
- EAGLE computer installed in parallel to the telescope thanks to the 131mm PLUS support rings (PLLANSU131P – please measure your telescope tube external diameter before ordering tube rings, rings fit tubes with +-1mm diameter in respect to the rings diameter).
- ESATTO 3″ robotic focuser (PLLEST3) to be connected to tube of SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED telescope by using the Adapter ESATTO 3″ for SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED (PL3600288), 40mm extension tube for ESATTO 3″ (PL3600317) and M81 25mm extension tube for ESATTO 3″ and ARCO 3″ (PL3600285). This will completely replace the stock focuser that you have to remove in order to install ESATTO. ESATTO can be powered through the EAGLE by adding the Eagle-compatible power cable with 5.5 – 2.5 connector – 115cm for 3A port (PL1000044).
- ARCO 3″ camera rotator and field de-rotator (PLLARCO3) to be connected to the ESATTO 3″ focuser by using the Adapter ESATTO 3″ for ARCO 3″ (PL3600458).
- GIOTTO 150 Smart Flat Field Generator (PLLGIOTTO150).
- ALTO-1 telescope cover motor (PLLALTO1) with Dovetail Clamp Vixen+Losmandy PLUS (PLLMORVLP). In order to connect ALTO motor with PLUS clamp to the telescope and regulate its position you have to use the Losmandy style dovetail plate 495mm PLUS (PLLLOS495P). ALTO can be powered through the EAGLE (ALTO will provide power to GIOTTO too) by adding the Eagle-compatible power cable with 5.5 – 2.5 connector – 115cm for 3A port (PL1000044).
- ECCO2 environmental computerized controller (ECCO2) that you can install on the OTA by adding the DX finder base (PLLBACEDX) to automate control of the dew heater for 150mm diameter telescopes (PLLFAS150).
- A mount with around 20 kg payload capacity and high precision, like the SkyWatcher AZ-EQ6 computerized mount (that can be used in equatorial or in alt-azimuth mode). In the “EAGLE-type power cables” category, you can find many available EAGLE-type cable with different connectors that you can use to power through the EAGLE the 12V powered mount you choose (this can be used only if your mount is 12V powered).
- A DSLR, mirrorless, cooled or planetary camera (with optional astrophotography accessories if needed) based on the way you prefer to make astrophotography with the SkyWatcher ESPRIT 100 ED telescope. In the “EAGLE-type power cables” category, you can find many available EAGLE-type cable with different connectors that you can use to power through the EAGLE the 12V powered camera you choose (this can be used only if your camera is 12V powered).